Lucky 8...

Let us try the suggestion to turn our Robot 180 degrees, and use a copy of our old program for the second half of the "8".

final Lucky8 free movie tutorial lego mindstorms 

First, add in motor commands to turn our Robot so it faces the other way (that is, turns 180 degrees as shown by the yellow arrows in the image above).

The command panel for motor A (red arrow) could be something like this:-

For motor C (blue arrow) it could be:-

If you download and run the program, it will probably look like this:- (broadband click here), (dialup click here).

Next, we want our Robot to follow the path shown by the orange arrows in the image at the top of this web page, because this will complete the second half of the lucky 8.

To teach your Robot to do this, add a second part of the program that will be just the same as the first.

Now we can finally download and test our complete Lucky 8 program. If your program is similar to mine, it may look like this:- (broadband click here), (dialup click here).

Has your Robot drawn a "lucky 8"? - If so, CONGRATULATIONS! You are learning how to teach Robots to do quite complicated things - good work!


You can have fun with the next Challenge buy clicking on the bottom item in the menu to the left of this page.

Lucky or Unlucky? - Tutorial 18 - NXT-G - LEGO MindStorms NXT -